The workplace often becomes our second home. This is ‘the place where we spend most time, and an uncomfortable environment can have serious impact on the well-being of people going around with.

Simar Architects and designers are able to design furniture for customized offices, with the ultimate goal to improve the people life through good design.

Your office, tailor-made
The Simar workers, highly qualified, will transform any project into something unique and comfortable: executive, commercial or workstations. The internal laboratory guarantees the customization of each individual element. Whether sizes, materials or colors, desks or dressers, office chairs or standard, wall and partition, accessories and home furnishings.

From design to production
From tailored project to the production of custom furniture and accessories, everything is strictly controlled from design to implementation, installation and after-sales. Our team is able to deal with all project phases, even those that cover the structural aspects as the making of partition walls, internal and external electrical systems, whitening, alarm systems, etc.